Saturday, 20 July 2013

Alfred Wainwright and His Lake District Guides

Today's "Quick Note" is about a site that I've just launched about Alfred Wainwright and his Guides to the Lake District fells, the product of several decades of walking the high places of Lakeland.

At its heart it is very small, just a single page, although as time goes on its associated blog will build up more interesting content about both Wainwright himself and his Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells.

Today it is the core page that we're concerned with, listing most of his Lake District related works plus a number of biographical titles and a selection of DVDs. As for the Guides themselves we list reprints of the original editions for their 50th anniversary, and also the 2nd Revised Edition which updates details of the routes whilst keeping the basic format.

So here it is:

You can buy single volumes or boxed sets (three different types of boxed set). I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

2013 Great Yorkshire Show - Day 1


The Great Yorkshire Show is now in full swing, and the weather's fantastic. What a difference from last year!

"Follow the Great Yorkshire Show throughout the day with live reports, pictures and results. ..."

Read more and see photos here

Monday, 8 July 2013

Threatened bird benefits from careful conservation

It was good to read today that the increasingly rare bird, the Ring Ouzel, is making something of a comeback on the North York Moors as a result of careful conservation work.

In a National Park that wants to attract more visitors it is not always easy to balance this with conservation work. As in so much of life when one objective clashes with another it takes a combination of skill and wisdom to achieve the requisite balance.

Read more: